Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Indian army was formed on 15th august 1947. It is the largest component of Indian armed forces . It is also the world's 3rd largest army. The main mission of Indian army is to make sure national security, unity and defending the nation from outer aggression and threats. Indian army ensure to maintain peace and security in India.

 The motto is to "service before self ". The active personal in the Indian Army are 1,129,900 and reserve personnel are 960,000. The ministry of defense and Indian armed forces are a part of Indian army. Indian army plays a crucial role in government mainly during internal threats . Along with Indian army there are also Indian navy and Indian air force which are equally powerful. The army has been into four wars with Pakistan and china there are also many operations and exercise on the watch of Indian army. The headquarters of Indian army is in Delhi . On the other part there is also Indian air force which was founded on 8th October 1932. The main motto is to touch the "sky with glory". Its main responsibility is to protect Indian airspace and to conduct aerial ware fare . The strength of air force is 127,000 active personnel. There are around 1499 air crafts in the air force. Other major part of Indian Military is Indian navy. Its aim is to protect the maritime border.It is also used improve the international relations through joint exercises, port visits and humanitarian missions and disaster relief. It has an active personnel of 58,350. It also has 250 aircraft and 179 ships in the navy. There are different branches such as naval air arm and marine command force.


File:Flag of Indian Army.svg

 Chief of the Indian Army : General Bikram Singh.
 Vice Chief of the Indian Army : Lt Gen Dalbir Singh Suhag.
 Notable Commanders :  General Thimmayya.
                                      Field Marshal Cariappa.
                                      Field Marshal Manekshaw.


File:British Raj Red Ensign.svg
The British Indian Army officially named as Indian Army, it was the major army force before independence  in 1947. The Indian Army plays an important role in British empires forces, both in India and abroad, particularly during the first world war and second world war. The first army officially call the Indian Army was raised by the government of India in 1895. The Indian army has a collective description of the presidency army's they are the Bengal army madras army and Bombay army. However in 1903 the Indian army absorbed these three army's. Indian army should not be related with the army of India (1903-1947) which was the Indian army itself plus the British army in India.

The Indian army has its origin in the years after the Indian rebellion of 1857 often called as the mutiny in British history in 1858 the crown took over direct rule on British Indian from east Indian company. the Muslims in the Bengal presidency were recruited primarily by the army's of east India company which consisted of Bengal, Bihar and utter pradesh and high caste Hindus recruited primarily from the rural plains of Oudh. From (1858-1894) the Indian army was an informal collective team for the army's of the three presidency that is the Bengal army Madras army the Bombay army in the next case from (1895-1902) the army had a formal extence and was the army of the government of India including British and Indian (sepay) units and finally (1903-1947) the Indian army was the force recruited locally and permanently based in India, together with its expatriate British officers. the British army in India consisted of British army units posted to India for tours of duty, and which would then be posted in the other parts of the empire or back to united kingdom. the army of India consisted of both the Indian army and British army in India.
The active part of British army is from (1858-1947). Tt comes under the army branch, the head quarters of Indian army is located at GHQ ( General head quarters) the commanders of brutish Indian army were William bird wood , William slim , Claude Auchinleck, Edward Quinn.

world wars:

 The Indian army served both in world war-1 and world war-2 which was then British Indian army.Indian army played a crucial role in both the world wars ,there were around 1.3 million soldiers served in world war-1 and 74,187 troops were missing in action . After the formation of Indian independence movement Indian army became more stronger and stronger . In the year 1932 ,the Indian military academy was formed and large number of officers of Indian origin were appointed .Indian soldiers fought for the allies in world war-2 . British officials did not want to expand and train the forces in the year 1939 and was reduced to 130,000 men ,these changes were made due to the threat from Afghanistan and for also internal security .The main problem was the lack of equipment due to proceeding of war Indian troops were increased ,troops were sent for battle .The Indian troops were given a choice of joining German army to liberate India from British instead of pow camps. As the war bro out the students and the men made up and formed free Indian legion . There were around 30,000 troops in its ranks they served in Burma from 1944-45 along with them five divisions were with British and African division were also there . In this 87,000 Indian soldiers died.During the world war-2 target number of British Indian army soldiers fought against British in  1915 in the same period by joining the Indian national army .In 1946 Indian sailors revolted against British which resulted in 1946 British Indian navy mutiny .

After the independence in 1947 ,4 out of 10 Gurkha regiments were transferred to British army and the rest of British army was divided between republic of India and republic of Pakistan.During the partition Punjab boundary force helped the Punjab police to disbanded Delhi headquarters and east Punjab command was formed to conduct the area.




The Indian army has modern and historical equipment, most of the equipment are foreign design. There are equipment's such as infantry weapons, vehicles, artillery, missile systems, air crafts. These are all the majorly used equipment in Indian army.
In this infantry weapons there is small arms which consists of different weapons such as pistol auto which is a 9 mm parabellum, modern sub machine carbine which is 5.56 mm MINSAS, saf carbine 1A is a 9 mm parabellum ,saf carbine 2A1 is a 9 mm parabellum which are made in India, IBI INSAS is an assault riffle,with 5.56 mm NATO, OFB 1A1 riffles and OFB 1c riffles are 7.62*51 mm NATO,ishapore 2A1 riffle is an assault riffle with 7.62 mm NATO,trichy is an assault riffle ,vedhwansak anti material riffle,INSAS LMG is a machine gun of 5.56 mm NATO,MGIB machine gun of 7.62 mm are present. And also equipment such as Grenade 36 mm, Multi Mode Grenade shivalik, Multi Grenade Launcher 40 mm.


File:Arjun MBT bump track test 2.JPG   File:T-90 Bhisma cropped.jpg   File:T-72 Ajeya1.jpg

File:Vijayanta - Main Battle Tank 4150184.JPG    File:Bmp-1-DMSC9112086 JPG.jpg    File:Nag with NAMICA Defexpo-2008.JPG

The main Tanks that are used in Indian Army are:

  • Arjun MBT ----- This is one of the top and powerful tank of India (60Mt/1400hp).
  • T 90S -Bhishma---- This is brought from the Russia (50Mt/840hp).
  • T 72 Ajeya------- The power of the tank is 41Mt/780 hp.
  • BMP2 Sarath---It is modified by TISAS(Thermal imaging stand alone sight).
  • BMP 1
  • NAMICA----This is a nag missile carrier.
  • Armoured Vehicle---Technology demonstrator.



Indian Army has wide range of missiles and many are developed in the IGMDP (Integrated Guided Missile Development Program) which is managed by DRDO ( Defense Research And Development Organization). The main role of DRDO in Defense is that it is responsible for the development and future research in the field of Military. There are many missiles in the army and we now have a look at the five major developments in the IGMDP during the years of early 1980's to 2008.

Prithvi Missile System:

This missile come's under the category of tactical surface to surface short range ballistic missiles and prithvi is the first indigenous ballistic missile. This project started in 1983, It has three variants and this missile is code named as Dhanush for the navy variant. The Prithvi 1&2 are available in navy and both are used for surface targets. There are variants for the indian air force also and it also has a capability to carry nuclear war heads.
Prithvi 1 has a range of 150 km's and has capacity to carry a pay load of 1000 kg's.
Prithvi 1 has a range of 350 km's and has capacity to carry a pay load of 350 to 750 kg's.
Prithvi 1 has a range of 350 to 600 km's and has capacity to carry a pay load of 500 to 1000 kg's.

Agni Missile System:

This missile come's under the category of Medium to Intercontinental range ballistic missile. Agni at first had 1500 km's range when it was as a technology demonstrated version. But it was a solid and liquid based fuel. The soild and liquid stage fueling took more time, so they changed it to all solid varient in the development stage.
Agni 1 has a range of 700 to 1250 km's and has a capacity to carry a pay load of 1000 kg's.
Agni 2 has a range of 2000 to 3500 km's and has a capacity to carry a pay load of 750 to 1000 kg's.
Agni 3 has a range of 3500 to 5000 km's and has a capacity to carry a pay load of 2000 to 2500 kg's.
Agni 4 has a range of 3000 to 4000 km's and has a capacity to carry a pay load of 800 to 1000 kg's.
Agni 5 has a range of 5500 to 5800 km's and has a capacity to carry a pay load of 1500 kg's.
There is new missile Agni 6 which is in testing stage it's range is 8000 to 10000 km's.
All these class missile's are nuclear capable. Agni 4 &5 are developed under Agni 4&5 projects respectfully, they not developed in the IGMDP.

Trishul Missile System:

This missile is developed under the IGMDP and is used against low level (sea skimming) targets at short range. This missile in navy is used to defend naval vessels against missiles, and on land is used as a surface to air missile. The government of India has shut down this missile but it is kept as a technology demonstrator.

Akash Missile System: 

Akash is a medium range surface to air missile. This missile can travel in supersonic speeds and can reach up to Mach 2.5. The rage of the missile 30 km's and it has two variants one for army and other for ari force. The army version uses T-72 tank as a launch vehicle and for the radar. The air force variant uses a Ashok layland truck as a platform. This missile uses a radar guidance and the name of the radar is Rajendra. Rajendra derived for the army is called battery level radar III, and  the Rajendra radar derived for the air force is called battery level II and it is carried on a BMP-2 chassis. 

Nag Missile System:

This missile is india's third generation Fire and Forget anti tank missile. It is a all weather, top attack missile with a range of 3 to 7 km's. It can also be launched from a helicopter.
